Real Estate Analysis and Commentary in Peoria, Arizona

COVID 19, Appraisals, and Appraisal Inspections
March 29th, 2020 1:49 PM
How to prepare your home for an appraisal during the COVID-19 era:

Social distancing and limited contact measures have drastically increased over the past 30 days.  An invisible enemy has attacked the United States and much of the world.  Business must continue and as far as mortgages and appraisals go, homes still need to be appraised for mortgage financing purposes.  So, what should appraisers and home owners do to maintain social distancing and to protect one another.


1.  The appraiser should be free of any symptoms including coughing, fever, etc.  At West Valley Appraisal Services, the appraiser(s) that represent our company, will only inspect a property if and only if they have no symptoms, no COVID-19 tests outstanding, and no known contact with anybody known to have the COVID-19 virus.

2.  The appraiser should wear gloves to avoid any physical touching of any surface of the home (skin to surface).  At West Valley Appraisal Services, the appraiser(s) that represent our company will wear clean rubber gloves at every inspection.

3.  The appraiser should respectfully inquire whether anyone in the home, or present during inspection, is ill or has been exposed to anyone with COVID-19.


1.  Please have all lights on and doors / gates opened prior to the appraiser arriving at the property.  At West Valley Appraisal Services, the appraiser will first inspect the exterior of the property.  Open the garage and keep any pets inside (or off the property) for the first phase of the appraisal inspection.

2.  Once the appraiser is done with the exterior appraisal inspection, please put the pets in the backyard if possible.  Occupants are advised to also move to the the backyard or keep at least six foot distance from the appraiser as he or she moves throughout the home taking notes and photos of the interior of the property.

3.  If somebody is sick or has an outstanding COVID-19 test, please notify the appraiser prior to the appraisal inspection to discuss alternative inspection options / times.  It is critical to maintain the CDC guidelines throughout the process.  

4.  Any information the home owner / real estate agent would like to share with the appraiser (upgrades, solar information, improvements, etc.) need to be delivered to the appraiser via email in digital format.  No paper copies.

5.  At the end of the appraisal inspection, the appraiser will let themselves out, please secure your home, including gates / garage door.

Thank you so much for your help as the home occupant to ensure the safety of not only yourselves, but the appraiser and the general public.


Jason Clow (Owner)

West Valley Appraisal Services

Office: 602-717-8450

Fax: 623-349-0652

Posted by Jason Clow on March 29th, 2020 1:49 PMPost a Comment

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